If you started when you were at school, it was probably because you were peer pressured into it, or you gave in to the advertising lies, which make you think you are mature, independent and “cool”. If it’s the “in thing” then why not do it? If you are serious about get this filth out of you permanently now is the chance to change – take action: email us! Do you have thoughts entering your mind that you'd rather not have? Are these thoughts distressing? Do you find it difficult to get rid of these thoughts from your mind? Do you have to check your door-locks and gas taps repeatedly? Do you have mental rituals that you repeat? When once is not enough, it may be OCD. What is OCD? OCD is a neurobiological condition causing changes in the brain. You are unable to resist persistent, irrational and unshakeable thoughts and urges (obsessions) which you recognizes as irrational and uncontrollable (compulsions). The anxiety is either reduced after performing the act, or builds up on resisting the urge. Do you remember Jack Nicholson in the movie "As good as it gets"? Assessment Medical doctors use different obsessive-compulsive scales to evaluate the severity of the disorder. That's why you need a doctor to diagnose correctly. Management The aim of therapy is to help you gain control over your obsessive and compulsive behavior. Behavioural and cognitive therapy are main line of management. We will guide you providing techniques and suggestions to unlearn some behavior and replace them with new behavior. It is necessary to learn how you can take control of those management. It is a self-directed behavioural therapy. Graded exposures to the triggers are combined with encouragement not to respond to obsessive-compulsive thoughts. For best results both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy are combined. Family support and cooperation are mandatory. For help email us! It's time to stop putting things off till the last minute! If you find that others have to remind you to get things done or if you tend to resent others for trying to keep you "on track," then you need to figure out who's driving your bus! Stop your procrastinating by first recognizing that procrastination is a behavior acted out by your rebellious self. Don't be hard on yourself, which can cause more internal conflicts and more procrastinating behaviours and don't get into power struggles with those who are trying to keep you on track. Instead, call on your Adult ego to help you get back on track. Your Adult ego is responsible, logical, and unemotional; and it's your Adult ego that will help you get to work so that your Child ego can come out later to play. For help email us! |
February 2018
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